Monday, January 21, 2013

Lazy Day or Get Up and Shop!

*Sigh* Today is just one of those days. I had a wonderful weekend. I didn't do anything special. I bought some groceries and a few personal items that I needed and watched movies. Today I was given an extra off because it is MLK Day and the Inauguration. I didn't realize that today would be the inauguration. I worked that day 4 years so I didn't get to see much of it. When I found out it was today I took off. It was nice to see it in the comfort of my nice warm apart (It is currently -6 degrees outside). I was going to go to Whole Foods to pick up a few items, but the cold stopped me and it wasn't super important. I do still need to go to Target, but I won't have to travel as far.

However as I sit typing this message I feel lazy. I don't want to do a damn thing. On the other hand though I want to shop Shop SHOP! I am having a moment. I'm thinking of all these things that I "need". I am feeling like Rebecca Bloomwood from Confessions of A Shopaholic. That moment when I think she was at the huge sale and she wanted those boots and she says to herself "Do I need these? Do I neeeeed these!?!" This is how I feel. I may have to start asking myself "Do I need this?" when I go shopping. If it wasn't for this question I'd probably be in big trouble. I have goals and I know to get those things I really do need (a car [sold my old one and I'm enjoying not having one at the moment], a house/condo, and no debt). That last one is more important. I was talking to one of my sisters and I realized that if I was debt free I could afford the trips I want to take. I could afford to update my wardrobe so I've made it a goal for 2013 to become debt free. It will take a lot of work and it won't be fun, but I must do it. I like nice things that aren't cheap and will last longer. Quality over quantity. Quantity is overrated. I'd like to have 5 sturdy pairs of good shoes instead of 50 cheap pairs of shoes. Same goes for bags and clothes. I deserve good, quality items. It's not about brands, but quality. However the better quality items are the high end brand names.  My debt isn't bad. There are people who owed hundreds of thousands of dollars and cleaned up their debt. Certainly I can clean up mines.

I think I've gotten off topic, but I just need to share about my day a little. My goals for today are to do my reading for class, exchange some items at Target and pick up some others that I need, clean my apartment, and not be lazy today.

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