Saturday, May 25, 2013

It's Ok to Be Ambitious

I saw that quote a while ago, wrote it on a piece of paper, and stuck it to the outside of the Toastmasters manual. I'm in Toastmasters because I wanted to feel more comfortable as a public speaker. For years during my job review my mangers would say I needed to talk more. I was shy and didn't like talking to people. Toastmasters has helped me feel more comfortable. I also started doing YouTube videos which helped me feel more comfortable talking about random things. Doing videos has helped me to talk more to people about what was on my mind.

Back to the quote, it's OK to be ambitious. Being ambitious can be scary. It means stepping out of your comfort zone and bringing attention to yourself. It means being judged. No one likes that, but sometimes it does help you become better at what you are doing. I try to challenge myself because I want to be better. At one point of my life I felt like all I did was sleep, eat, work, and watch TV. I wasn't learning anything new or meeting new people. I felt like my life was pointless. To change that I started doing things and telling myself that it was OK to do what I enjoy. I took a web page design class. Then a screen printing/wood blocking class. I go to art demos and learn new techniques for free. I venture into stores I hadn't been to before. I now have experiences that bring me joy and ideas.  Ambitious ideas. I realized and accepted my dream to showcase my art and designs one day. I'm making plans and taking steps to help me get there. In Toastmasters I've decided to run for president of our club. This is major for me. A part of me hopes I get it and another is so afraid I want to freak out. This is a 12 month commitment, but I can learn a lot about myself and meet more people. It can be a stepping stone to helping me put myself out there more.

We all have dreams and goals that we hope to achieve. We have to learn to sell ourselves and that we are worthy of the happy lives we deserve. So go ahead. It's OK to be ambitious.

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